Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 93 “Brief Overview of New ArchestrA Graphic Features in Wonderware InTouch 10.1” is available

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 93 “Brief Overview of New ArchestrA Graphic Features in Wonderware InTouch 10.1” is available.

Many users of InTouch managed or published applications have been utilizing the new ArchestrA graphics introduced with the release of Wonderware Application Server 3.0 and Wonderware InTouch 10.0. Recently Wonderware released new versions of each product as Wonderware Application Server 3.1 and Wonderware InTouch 10.1. As well as resolving a number of known issues (for more information please refer to the Application Server 3.1 and InTouch 10.1 ReadMe documents) they also introduced some new features in regards to working with ArchestrA graphics.

This document, written by Nick Edgett, is to help users understand and take advantage of the new features in order to get the most out of these new product releases. Click here to review the tech note.

Wonderware Tech Note 609 “ArchestrA Object Toolkit 3.1 Tips and Tricks” is available

Wonderware Tech Note 609 “ArchestrA Object Toolkit 3.1 Tips and Tricks” is available. Use the Wonderware ArchestrA Object Toolkit to create and compile custom ArchestrA Objects. This Tech Note covers the following scenarios you might encounter while developing an ArchestrA Object:

  • Adding a virtual Reusable Primitive (at the second level) under a virtual Local Primitive in Configtime Sethandler code
  • Error is Generated when Changing from a Local to a Reusable Primitive without changing its name. The error begins: The target aaPDF will not be created. The following files could not be located…

Click here to review the tech note. Wonderware customers from outside of the Wonderware PacWest distribution area can access the Tech Note on the Wonderware Support Website.

Three Wonderware Tech Notes on deploying custom script function libraries in Wonderware Application Server are available

Wonderware Application Server provides you the ability to leverage the .NET development language for custom and advanced functionality made available through the ArchestrA Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Custom Script Function Libraries are integrated with Wonderware Application Server by

  • Importing multiple, independent DLLs, or;
  • Importing multiple DLLs that have dependencies into the Galaxy.

Wonderware Application Server accommodates importing of multiple DLLs and DLLs with dependencies through the use of aaSLIB files. aaSLIB files make managing multiple DLLs and their dependencies easier by eliminating the need to track multiple DLLs.

Wonderware recently released three new Tech Notes on deploying custom script function libraries in Wonderware Application Server:

Wonderware customers from outside of the Wonderware PacWest distribution area can access the Tech Notes on the Wonderware Support Website.

How to retrieve wide-history data from Wonderware Historian (InSQL) using a stored procedure

Below is an example of a stored procedure that will retrieve wide-history data from Wonderware Historian 9.0 (formerly known as IndustrialSQL Server or InSQL):

@StartDateTime datetime,
@EndDateTime datetime,
@Tags varchar(500) = ‘[SysDateDay], [SysDateMonth], [SysDateYear]’
–above: @Tags is an optional parameter, value after the equal sign is the default value if @Tags is omitted
DECLARE @SQLString varchar(1000)
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + + ‘”SELECT DateTime = convert(nvarchar, DateTime, 21), ‘ + @Tags + ‘ ‘
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + ‘FROM WideHistory WHERE wwRetrievalMode = ”Cyclic” AND wwResolution = 1000 AND wwVersion = ”Latest” ‘
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + ‘AND DateTime >= ‘ + CHAR(39) + CAST(@StartDateTime AS varchar(50)) + CHAR(39)
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + ‘ AND DateTime <= ‘ + CHAR(39) + CAST(@EndDateTime AS varchar(50)) + CHAR(39) + ‘”)’ EXEC (@SQLString)

The procedure accepts 3 parameters:
– Start date/time
– End date/time
– optional comma separated list of tag – this parameter allows the procedure to be run for different sets of tags
To install the procedure just run the script above against your Wonderware Historian’s Runtime database from within MS SQL Server Management Studio 2005 (or MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager).
Below is an example of how to run the command:

EXEC HistoryData ‘20081027 21:04:00′,’20081027 21:07:00’, ‘SysTimeSec, SysDateDay’

The example below retrieves data for tags SysTimeSec and SysTimeDay between Oct 27th, 2008 9:04pm and 9:07pm. But you can also skip the 3rd parameter and run it this way:

EXEC HistoryData ‘20081027 21:04:00′,’20081027 21:07:00’

In such case the procedure will return data for the list of tags specified as the default value of the @Tags variable (in the example below the default value of the @Tags variable is “SysDateDay, SysDateMonth and SysDateYear”.

Wonderware Tech Note 564 “Removing an Undeployed or Deleted Application Server’s Galaxy Erroneously Listed in Wonderware SMC”

Wonderware Tech Note 564 “Removing an Undeployed or Deleted Wonderware Application Server’s Galaxy Erroneously Listed in the Wonderware System Management Console, DAServer Manager and Log Viewer” is available.

In some instances when an Application Server’s Platform is undeployed or a Galaxy is deleted, the Galaxy information is not properly cleaned up on all of the Platforms in the Galaxy. When this occurrs a Galaxy may appear in the SMC in DAServer Manager and Log Viewer on a node that no longer has a platform deployed to it from this Galaxy. Unlike Node Groups, Galaxies in the SMC are read-only and cannot be deleted from the SMC.
This Tech Note explains how to remove a Galaxy listed in the SMC DAServer Manager and Log Viewer that should no longer appear.

Click here to review the tech note.

Wonderware IndustrialSQL (InSQL) Historian Server 9.0 Patch02 is available

Wonderware IndustrialSQL (InSQL) Historian Server 9.0 Patch02 is available. This patch primarily includes support the following Wonderware Application Server 3.1 features:

  • Configure most historization parameters for a tag from within the IDE (e.g. “swinging-door” filters, counter “rollover”, interpolation type, etc.)
  • Time propagation from data in Application Server (already supported from IDAS in Historian 9.0)
  • “Late” data from Application Server (“late” data from IDAS was already supported in Historian 9.0)

This release also includes several hotfixes for Historian 9.0 Patch01 released over the last ~20 months. The release is reflected on Wonderware PacWest’s Product Version page.

Wonderware Tech Note 563 “Configuring Wonderware FSGateway to Access Historian Data from Wonderware Application Server” is available

Wonderware Tech Note 563 “Configuring Wonderware FSGateway to Access Historian Data from Wonderware Application Server” is available.

Wonderware IndustrialSQL Server Historian (InSQL) provides an I/O Server called aahIOSvrSvc. This I/O Server is an interface for clients to access data from the Historian. It uses the SuiteLink protocol. The Historian I/O Server is re-configured with a single topic called tagname. The Historian I/O Server listens for clients that are attempting to establish a connection using the pre-configured topic.

Wonderware FSGateway is a communications protocol converter. It is used to link clients and data sources communicating with different communication protocols such as SuiteLink, DDE, FastDDE, and ArchestrA Message Exchange.

This Tech Note provides the step-by-step procedure to:

  • Configure the FSGateway to communicate with the Historian I/O Server
  • Configure the OPCClient proxy object from the Wonderware Application Server to access data from the Historian / FSGateway OPC Server via OPC protocol.

Click here to review the tech note.

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 82 “Resolving slow WindowMaker load times for Wonderware InTouch managed applications” is available

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 82 “Resolving slow WindowMaker load times for Wonderware InTouch managed applications“, written by Hawey Wells, is available on the Wonderware PacWest website.
Default Wonderware InTouch application settings can result in long waits opening ArchestrA IDE managed applications containing a large number of windows with embedded ArchestrA Graphics.Each window is programmatically opened to complete the initial load of all ArchestrA graphics in the development environment. Adding a setting to the application’s INTOUCH.INI file can vastly improve the initial load times in Wonderware InTouch WindowMaker for instances when this delay adversely affects the speed of development. This document lists the steps necessary to locate and add the LoadAllActiveXOnStartup flag set to zero in the managed application’s INTOUCH.INI file.
Click here to review the tech note.

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 80 “How to use the $PingNode Object Template in Wonderware Application Server” is available

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 80 “How to use the $PingNode Object Template in Wonderware Application Server“, written by Mark Boisvert, is available on the Wonderware PacWest website.

This tech note describes how to use a custom $PingNode object template created for Wonderware Application Server. Object based on that template provides ping status for a given machine (node). The $PingNode object template includes the Ping script that can be customized to provide additional features. By default the enabled object will ping the configured node every 10 seconds and report general status and reply time. It also can be configured to alarm if a ping timeout is incurred. This type of information should be useful for monitoring system health of network hardware and other machines that are not part of the galaxy.
Click here to review the tech note.

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 79 “How to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter on different operating systems” is available

Wonderware PacWest Tech Note 79 “How to install Microsoft Loopback Adapter on different operating systems”, written by Kurk Kembel, is available on the Wonderware PacWest website.
Wonderware Industrial Application Server uses the Suitelink protocol (a proprietary TCP/IP wrapper) and the NMX protocol (Network Message Exchange) to communicate with I/O devices and platforms/objects in the application galaxy. The Archestra Integrated Development Environment (IDE) uses the NMX protocol to communicate with and deploy objects to platforms in the galaxy (this requires a valid network connection for development and testing operations). In the absence of a network adapter or valid network connection, Microsoft’s Loopback Adapter may be installed to satisfy the Archestra IDE’s requirement for a valid network connection.
The Microsoft Loopback Adapter will prevent the Archestra IDE from closing in the event the development computer is using a wireless network connection that has intermittent connectivity losses.
Click here to review the tech note.